Compare & Book

Cheap Flights, Trains, Buses and more

Depart Arrive

Your journey starts when you leave the doorstep.
Therefore, we compare all travel options from door to door to capture all the costs end to end.


Compare all airlines worldwide. Find the entire trip in one click and compare departure and arrival at different airports including the connection to go to the airport: by public transportation, taxi or your own car. Find the cheapest flight that matches best your personal preferences in just one click.

Ride share

Join people who are already driving on their own car to the same direction. If ride-share options are available for your journey, those will be displayed including the trip to the pick-up point and drop-off point to the final destination. Ride share options are available in abundance all around Europe.


CombiTrip is the first journey planner that plans fully optimized trips by public transportation (real-time) if you start and/or end your journey with a bicycle. This functionality is currently only available in The Netherlands.

Coach travel

CombiTrip compares all major coach operators worldwide. Coach travel can be very cheap and surprisingly comfortable. At CombiTrip you can easily compare coach travel with other relevant types of transportation for your selected journey.


Compare train journeys all around Europe and North America. Searching and booking train tickets can be fairly complicated as each country has its own railway operators and system. Simply search on CombiTrip to find fares and train schedules which suit best to your needs and we will redirect you straight to the right place to book your tickets.


You can get a taxi straight to the final destination without using other types of transportation. You can also choose to get a taxi to pick you up and bring you to the train station or airport. We provide all the options for you to make the best and optimal choice!

All travel options in one overview

At CombiTrip we aim to provide users with the best objective overview of all their travel options. Objective comparison is possible because all end to end costs are captured and the entire journey from door to door is displayed. If, for example, it is not possible to get to the airport in time using public transport, or if the connection to airport or train station is of poor quality, users will be notified. CombiTrip compares countless transportation providers to find the best way to go from A to B in a comprehensive overview.

CombiTrip is unique

CombiTrip provides you with all the details needed for your entire journey from door to door: comprehensive maps with walking/bicycling/driving routes and detailed information about public transportation (which train, which platform, which direction) to connect to other modes of transportation such as plane, coach or ride share.

Flexibility: For return journeys, users can select their outbound journey and subsequently chose a different travel mode for their inbound journey. Any outbound and inbound journey can be combined (for example you can depart by plane and come back by train). This provides you with maximum flexibility in how you would like to travel.

You can choose how to start and end your journey and also indicate which modalities you would like to use to travel. Your journey will be tailored to your personal preferences

Popular Bus, Train and Flight routes around Europe

Popular routes in The Netherlands

Popular Bus, Train and Flight routes in France

Popular Bus, Train and Flight routes in Germany

Popular Bus, Train and Flight routes in Spain

March 2025
April 2025